How Much Internet Data Do I Need?​


Select your typical daily Internet usage from the options below.

We’ll then estimate your monthly Internet Data Usage to help find the right package for you!

Estimate your household Internet data usage based on your activity. Be sure to include each person’s usage in your totals.

  • BrowsingBrowsing
  • SocialSocial
  • MusicMusic
  • NavigationNavigation
  • GamingGaming
  • VideosVideos
  • HD moviesHD movies
  • EmailsEmails
  • AppsApps
Estimated usage


This is a rough guide, based on average data uses, and all amounts are rounded up. Your actual data usage may be higher. According to Ofcom, customers tend to increase their data usage each year. Think about future-proofing your data allowance so you don’t run out of data later down the line.